Hamas Al-Asef Armed Underwater Vehicle

Hamas Al-Asef Armed Underwater Vehicle

Flag Hamas A fresh image shared by Israeli sources shows, for the first time, the insides of Hamas' garage-built underwater vehicle. The Al-Asef has been used on several occasions against Israeli targets but has yet to score a major success. The new image still leaves some questions unanswered.

Hamas Al-Asef Armed Underwater Vehicle - Covert Shores

Al-Asef is a torpedo-like weapon with a warhead in the nose. Its metal body is likely assembled in part from compressed gas cylinders. It has a modest diving depth of just a few meters and may rely on a snorkel to provide air to its motor. The propulsion system is unclear, but a hollow hose suggests an internal combustion engine, possibly gasoline-powered. The aft body and screw is possibly from a vintage diver propulsion vehicle.

It relies on a human pilot, making it susceptible to communication jamming. It is controlled by large surfaces at the back. It may use a go-pro style camera, or rely on positioning data.

While unverified, video evidence suggests the existence of at least two such weapons, with the possibility of more being built. Indications are that Israel has captured at least one.

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