Another Russian Floating Dock Sinks In Sevastopol

Russian Floating Dock PD-19 Sinks In Sevastopol

Another Russian Floating Dock Sinks In Sevastopol

Flag Russia Marked by an orange floating boom, there is now a dark hole of calm water in Sevastopol Harbour. Beneath it, a floating dock sits on the bottom, sunk. In the dock was a boat.

The sinking of floating dock PD-19 was reported today in local sources. Images shared online show the apparent site of the incident. While the details are unconfirmed, these photos are credible and there is no reason to suppose that the dock didn't indeed sink.

UPDATE: Additionally, images of before and after have now been shared on Twitter by MT Andderson

PD-19 was in Pivdenna Bay on the south side of Sevastopol's main harbor. It is close to where Russian Navy Kilo submarines are berthed and reloaded with Kalibr cruise missiles. The dock is associated with the Perseus shipyard and had a boat in it at the time. The fate of the boat is unclear.

CLICK to Enlarge.

Firing and explosions in the city today do not appear related to the sinking. They were apparently instead due to PPDO (anti-submarine and sabotage support) exercises. The Russian-appointed Governor of Sevastopol implored people not to panic, " Everything is calm in the city."

This is not the first incident involving a dry dock in the city. In December 2019 a larger floating dock, PD-16, sunk with a decommissioned submarine in it. That dock was already considered out of service and is a write-off.

And as recently as February 2023 there was reportedly a fire at a floating dock in Perseus shipyard. Mikhail Razvozhayev, the Russian-appointed Govonor of Sevastopol said at the time:

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a floating dock caught fire in the southern bay at the Perseus private shipyard. Fire brigades are already on site, the fire is localized, but the smoke is strong.

Mikhail Razvozhayev does not appear to have yet commented on the latest incident. Possibly this is because this time there is no need to tell the local population not to panic.

Russian Floating Dock PD-19 Sinks In Sevastopol
Russian Floating Dock PD-19 Sinks In Sevastopol
Reference photos of the dock, PD-19, years before the incident.

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