
Revealing video of Pr.885M 'Kazan' launch
Flag A video has emerged of the latest Russian Project 885M YASEN-M Class cruise missile submarine ‘Kazan’ being launched in April.

Link to video (Russian): YOUTUBE

Revealing video of Pr.885M 'Kazan' launch - Covert Shores

Revealing video of Pr.885M 'Kazan' launch - Covert Shores
One of the immediate observations, previously indicated in my earlier analysis, is that unlike the original Pr.855 boat the missile tubes are covered by two large hatches, one each side instead of individual doors.

Previous image analysis:
Revealing video of Pr.885M 'Kazan' launch - Covert Shores

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Revealing video of Pr.885M 'Kazan' launch - Covert Shores

Revealing video of Pr.885M 'Kazan' launch - Covert Shores

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